Head's Blog

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Election time

On Monday, we had a visit from Captain Paul Thomas, Fowey Harbour Master. He shared details of what life working as a harbour master entails, how you might became a harbour master and what characteristics you need to do well in the job. The children thoroughly the talk and they asked lots of fantastic questions, we were all very proud of their capacity for listening, understanding and curiosity.

This week we also had the School Council elections to replace 1 outgoing KS2 councilor and add a Year 2 councilor to the group. Many of the children had spent the weekend preparing their speeches and used a combination of persuasion and promises to prove their eligibility. In the end, the school voted for Ronnie, Ailla and Joyce who will join Tegan (chair), Antonia and Nathan to form the new school council. They will have their first meeting in a couple of weeks and the agenda is quickly filling up.

Our Year 6 children went to Fowey River Academy on Thursday for their first transition day. They returned bearing gifts and full of enthusiasm from a busy but exciting day. I think we will be hearing about this visit for weeks to come.

Rehearsals for Harvest Festival are in full swing supported by Mrs Butlin. We are now all humming along to “Big red combine harvester” and “Five a day”. Hope to see many of you at Saint Saviour’s next Friday 11th October at the new time of 11am for the occasion.

Achievement Assembly
Reader of the Week:
Joyce for always offering great contributions to our guided reading sessions that support her peers and help her own learning move on.
Mya for reading with confidence making super use of her phonics learning to progress her reading skills.

Star of the Week:
Ailla for being curious and asking the most brilliant questions during our visit by Captain Paul Thomas
Irina for being role model for our class, always showing great learning behaviours by asking questions of teachers and visitors to find out more.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills



Positive beginnings

It has been a positive start to the year, with lots of fantastic learning experiences across the school. The classrooms, books and digital learning records are already bulging with the children’s work and it is great to see how enthusiastically they are embracing the learning. This week, I have been particularly impressed with their curiosity and ability to ask questions, such a valuable skill to have.

We have received notice of the Wild Wellbeing sessions the Mental Health Support Team (MHST), along with Natural England, are running over the October half term. These are nature-based, creative, practical workshops where children will be learning about the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Give, Connect, Take Notice, Be Active and Keep Learning outdoors in nature. These sessions are open to all primary school aged children (5-11), each session will be approximately 2 hours long. Sign up can be with the link here https://forms.office.com/e/ZDVNVVwfdPe or follow the details in the letter sent via email this morning. 

On Monday we welcome Fowey Harbour Master, Paul Thomas, for an assembly talking about the work of the harbour. This promises to be an interesting morning and I know the children wil have some great questions lined up. Monday afternoon, we have the school council elections. We are looking to recruit 2 members: one from Year 2 and another from Tregeagle class. The presentations and voting will take place during assembly so you might find yourself being asked to support your child with their speech over the weekend!

Achievement Assembly

Mathematician of the week:
Toby for always having a go at every single maths questions – trying to think of a way to solve problems using the maths he already knows – brilliant mathematical thinking. Leia for working independently using SeeSaw.

Star of the week
Erin for her curiosity, listening and questioning on our trip to Wheal Martyn.
Emmie for always being ready and settling in to learning when she arrives at school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills



We have now settled into the routines of school and the children are enjoying their new learning journeys. In Canute class, they are finding our about people who help us and they will be focusing their history lessons on finding out about Florence Nightingale, why she is a historically important person and the legacy she left behind. In Tregeagle class, their journey is looking at how children's lives have changed through history, starting in the Roman times and travelling through the Tudor and Victorian eras to investigate continuity and change in education, work and leisure. They have already discovered, much to their horror, that children as young as 7 went to work and we can see the beginnings of real appreciation for the work done to protect and develop children’s rights so their own lives are much improved.

We look forward to seeing Canute parents on Monday afternoon at 2:45pm for our Early Reading session with Mrs Fernie, where she will explain how we teach phonics, the essential building blocks for successful access to reading, spelling and writing.

Achievement Assembly

Writer of the week
Tegan for a fantastically ambitious start to the year accepting the challenge to reach greater depths within the standard.
Indi for applying her phonics learning to sound out so she can work independently in writing lessons.

Star of the week
Ava for always engaging with every single learning activity with positivity and determination to succeed.
Ronnie for being a super role model for learning and behaviour expectations in Canute.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills



Welcome back

It has been fantastic having the school full of children, happy voices and smiley faces again. It was lovely to great every one of them at the gate on Wednesday morning, all looking smart in their uniform. The children have settled in well and we are incredibly proud of how well our very youngest children have been made to feel welcome by their peers.
We will continue with the arrangement of children coming into school wearing their PE kit on days they have PE so we can maximise time spent in lessons. For Autumn 1, Tregeagle class will have PE on Monday and Friday and Canute class have PE on Thursday and Outdoor Learning on Tuesday (you should have received the information regarding this). If you have signed your child up to attend Sports Club on Thursdays, please send them in with their PE kit in a bag ready to change into at the end of the day.
We have set all the children up with their new logins for SeeSaw and you should be able to continue logging in and following your child’s learning. If you experience any problems with this, please contact your child’s teacher.
Thank you to those who were able to attend our Meet the Teacher event on Wednesday to find out about your child’s learning, teacher expectations and strategies to support your child at home with their learning. For Canute parents, we have an additional session on Monday 23rd September at 2:45pm with Mrs Fernie where she will explain how we teach phonics, the essential building blocks for successful access to reading, spelling and writing.

Achievement Assembly

Reader of the week
Antonia for supporting her peers in guided reading sessions
Ronnie for being a fantastic reading role model

Star of the week
Robbie, Indi and Ava who have settled well in our class – they have brought their independent learning behaviours with them from Canute class meaning they are well prepared to adapt to the learning in KS2
Nya and Kayden for being brave, determined and really enjoying their fist full week in school

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills 




This year's scarecrow is up on the gate, thank you to Mrs Fernie and Mrs Phillips - it is looking fantastic!
All children have contributed with artwork so it is a true collaborative affair. We hope it also proves to be a good fundraising idea, with the QR code providing a direct link to our WISHLIST on Amazon for reading books for both classrooms. 
Photos and the QR code is attached below.

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Last week

It has been another good year for our little school. We continue to maintain the 2-class structure with nursery provision, offering extra-curricular after school clubs and a wide variety of trips and visitors to support the curriculum learning. This year, we have again benefitted from the generosity of our local community with funding for water sports, swimming lessons and a fantastic theatre trip to watch Aladdin.

Inside the building, we have had our internet connection updated with connectivity for the Rainbow Room and improved connection in Tolbenny class so we can use all spaces for teaching. We have invested in new books across the school, so our reading materials reflect up-to-date experiences, authors and interests, helped by funding from the English Hub. We have also created a wish list on Amazon for more high-quality books for both classrooms and if you wish to make a donation, the QR code is below here or you can find it on our Reading Super Hero Scarecrow on the gate.

On Friday, we said goodbye to our Year 6 in the Leaver’s Assembly. These occasions are often sad and emotional; however, they are primarily a time for joy and celebration as we reflect on the journey of our pupils while at Polruan school. Our Year 6 has made us laugh aloud with quirky observations of life in the classroom, inspired our thinking and learning but most of all they have made us proud! They have been an outstanding role model for our younger pupils, demonstrating our core values of respect, resilience, tolerance, understanding and responsibility. They have made fantastic academic progress and achieved well above national average in all their SATs and they have shown ambition, determination and a want to succeed and for that they deserve recognition. They are a credit to themselves, their families and our school and I am certain they will continue to flourish and thrive at secondary school.

In September, the children return to school on WEDNESDAY 4th as we have a teacher INSET day on Tuesday 3rd September. We will continue with our current arrangements of all children entering the school via the top gates which will be opened at 8:40. The children will have the opportunity to play with friends until the bell at 8:45am. Class teachers will then escort the children to their classrooms, ready for the start of the day.

It has been another adventurous year for us all with lots of enjoyable learning experiences to share and reflect on over the summer. We are pleased with the close ties between parents and school and thank you all for the strong support you have provided across the year and we look forward to continuing working closely with the very special community Polruan is. We have lots of exciting plans for the next academic year which we will share on our return in September.

I hope you can all enjoy a well-earned break this summer in our lovely corner of Cornwall. On behalf of all the staff, thank you for your continued support.

With the warmest wishes,
Jane Wills

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Summer 2

It has been a very busy but hugely enjoyable week at school. Both classes are working full steam to complete their current learning enquiries and there is a real sense of purpose and focus throughout the class. The children are keen to complete all the learning set out on their learning maps which helps keep the momentum going in between visits and visitors.

On Wednesday, we had a whole school Olympic Day with ARENA and as always the sports coaches were impressed with the enthusiasm and skills shown by the children. The sports coaches left at the end of the day knowing all about the Bridge School Games, how Polruan won and having been shown the trophy!

Thursday morning, Tregeagle class had a visit from Robert Wiltshire from Tech Cornwall and they spent the morning working collaboratively to write code for Micro Bits. Once again, the visitor was impressed with the children's prior knowledge and skills and how confidently they navigate the world of computer science. We will make use of the new skills gained in the autumn term as we now have a full school set of Micro Bits to enhance the learning for both KS1 and KS2 ICT curriculum.

On Friday, the Year 6 had the annual trip to Camel Creek to celebrate their friendships and time at Polruan Primary. They had a super day in the sunshine, spending lots of energy charging round the park to maximise time and finished the day with several repeat rides on the water ride and ice creams courtesy of a parent - yum!

Achievement Assembly

Reader of the Week:
Nathan for enthusiasm and keenness to read
Leia for always trying her very best in phonics and using the sounds she is learning to segment and blend

Star of the Week:
Antonia for brilliant listening and following of instructions in Forest School to work safely with tools
Mia for always being kind and considerate to her peers

Next week:
Monday: ARENA Healthy Hearts  Healthy Minds whole school day, please arrive wearing PE kit
Wednesday: final sailing session 
Thursday: Forest School
Friday: Pirate Day Canute class and Leavers Assembly
Monday 22.7: Whole school rock-pooling trip to Ready Money Cove

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills



Summer 2

Time2Move Holiday Programme for Summer 2024 is live. The programme offers fun physical activities, games and wider activities plus a funded meal for every child. All children are welcome to attend, and it is completely funded for children that are eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals. You can access your child’s code quickly and easily at: www.cornwall.gov.uk/time2move Once you have this code you can search and book on activities here: www.activecornwall.org/T2MHolidayProgramme The activities are all delivered by approved providers with the main focus on fun and enjoyment.

Achievement Assembly

Mathematician of the Week:
Toby for always working with focus and concentration, applying new learning independently with confidence.
Kayden for counting all the rhyming words in his phonics

Star of the Week:
Liam for showing initiative, calm and empathy in sailing lessons, a true role model for our school.
Zeniah for being a fantastic role model for our class by coming into school every day ready to learn with a smile on her face.

Next week, we have a whole school Olympic Day on Wednesday where the children get the chance to try out different sporting events over the course of the day. Fresh from winning the Bridge School Games, the children are brimming with confidence, and I am certain this will be a super day of Sports. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit and trainers, with a water bottle and sunhat/sun cream.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills



Summer 2

As you know, last week was Sports Week. A week full of sporting endeavors, sportsmanship and fun. Sports activities are always popular with Polruan children; they enjoy being active, being outside and challenging themselves and this fantastic attitude means that Sports Week is one of the best weeks in our school calendar. Throughout the week, the children competed in the Bridge School Games, our Trust inter-school sports competition, challenging themselves in a range of sports which this year had a French theme reflecting the Olympics. The results were released yesterday and I am beyond delighted to announce that this year's winner is POLRUAN!

We have celebrated the win with a special assembly where the children were presented with the Winner's trophy thanks to a detour by Mrs Andrew to collect it from the current holders St Cleer. The official Winner's Photograph alongside the score sheet has been uploaded to all children's SeeSaw journal so head over to have a look.

A big THANK YOU to Mr Twaite for organising the games at school and encouraging the children to be their very best sporting selves.

Achievement Assembly

Writer of the Week:
Erin for embracing our new editing workshops and working with purpose to make improvements to her work.
Ronnie for fantastic independent writing using our learning.

Star of the Week: 
Joyce for showing bravery in Forest School to climb a tree and get back down again
Indi for being a fantastic role model for our class by coming into school every day ready to learn with a smile on her face.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills



Summer 2

We have come to the end of Sports Week. A week full of sporting endeavors, sportsmanship and fun. Sports activities are always popular at Polruan; the children enjoy being active, being outside and challenging themselves and this fantastic attitude means that Sports Week is one of the best weeks in our school calendar. Throughout the week, the children have been competing in the Bridge School Games, challenging themselves in a range of sports which this year has a French theme reflecting the Olympics.

Sports Day

Thursday was thankfully a sunny dry day, and a huge turnout made the occasion even more special. We continued with our tradition of having the races in the morning and all of us stayed on the field for a picnic and a play. A big THANK YOU to every one who donated cakes and raffle prizes and to Mrs Hughes and Mrs Fernie for organising – we raised an amazing £105 which will go towards trips and outings for the children.


Summer term is one of transition and this year we have planned slightly differently to support our Year 6 with transition to secondary school. We have been working with Fowey Primary school so our Year 6 is travelling across the river to spend time with the Year 6 class, making friends and building relationships ready for Year 7. For the new Year 3 children, we continue the tradition of inviting them to Tregeagle class for taster mornings/afternoons throughout the half term.

Achievement Assembly

Reader of the Week:
Antonia for enthusiasm in all reading activities adding energy to learning.
Leia for brilliant sounding out using her phonics

Star of the Week:
Ailla for a fantastic sporting attitude to team work and fair play during our sports week.
Ronnie for great sportsmanship and working well with class mates.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills 

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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.