It's been so lovely to welcome back our children and families at the start of 2025. There is much excitement around the school in our history lessons. Tregeagle children are unpicking what a census is and why we have one (we've also completed our own school census this week). In Canute, the children are learning about various Kings and Queens (monarchs). We look forward to updating you soon with some samples of our learning.
Christmas Play performance is the best day of the school calendar and this year was no exception. It marks the culmination of weeks of practice, prop making, singing and confidence boosting. It is always a joy to watch the children’s enthusiasm and confidence grow over the weeks as they find themselves taking on the roles assigned and beginning to imagine how best to bring them to life. For some children, this is their favorite part of the year, a time to shine by fully embracing the opportunity showcase a different side to their personality and skill set.
Being a small school inevitably means all hands on deck as cast sizes for the plays are generally much larger than the children we have in our classes so everyone has an important role to play and often means children playing several parts or several parts being amalgamated into one large role. Through the study of the script and analysing the personalities of the different characters using reading skills, the children develop a good understanding of their part. This is further enhanced by their involvement in creating costumes, props and the staging.
As always, the performance was well attended, and the children shone. We are all incredibly proud of their performance and hope you enjoyed the shows as we did. Thank you for all the lovely messages complimenting the children on their performances.
Following on from the successful singing at the Community Christmas Lunch on Tuesday, we are two down, two to go for our community Christmas performances. We hope you can join us singing around the tree on Tuesday afternoon at 2pm on the Wharf and again for our Christmas service at Saint Saviours on Thursday morning at 9am.
Reminder that Tregeagle class has a Geography field trip Tuesday morning, our whole school trip to watch Paddington is on Wednesday and class parties on Thursday/Friday. As always, we finish the term early so pick up is at 1:30pm on Friday.
Jane Wills
Image Gallery
Another whirlwind but hugely enjoyable week. The school is tinselled up, our enormous Christmas tree decorated and lights are twinkling making a lovely backdrop for play practice, singing and learning.
Time to Move Holiday Programme
Details of the Time to Move programme for the Christmas holidays has been released. The programme offers fun physical activities, games and wider activities plus a funded meal for every child. This Christmas they also have a fully funded swimming offer and access to county wide attractions like the Eden Project, Lost Gardens of Heligan and Rogue Theatre. All children are welcome to attend, and it is completely funded for children that are eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals.
For parents or guardians of a child eligible for benefits related free school meals you will need your child’s unique code in order to access the activities for free. You can access your child’s code quickly and easily at:
Once you have this code you can search and book on activities here:
The activities are all delivered by approved providers with the main focus on fun and enjoyment.
Next Week
The calendar is full of extra activities next week:
Monday: Board game club
Tuesday: Tregeagle class singing at the Community Christmas Lunch in the Village Hall. SATs Club
Wednesday: dress rehearsals for plays, Christmas Lunch, Christmas Jumper Day and Open the Book Christmas crafts in the afternoon. Cooking Club
Thursday: Christmas performances in the Village Hall. Doors open at 1pm, performances start at 1:30pm
Friday: we are planning a peaceful ordinary learning day!
Achievement Assembly
Mathematician of the Week:
Nathan for working with concentration and focus and his best to manage distraction to stay on task.
Ronnie for developing his skills with checking answers so he is now more prepared to check calculations again to make sure he has the correct answers.
Star of the Week:
Ailla for responding positively to the challenges she experienced at the beginning of the week to ending the week being noticed by many adults for her exemplary behaviour and attitude.
Emmie for always looking out for her friends, making sure they are happy and finding ways to cheer any one up who needs a smile and a kind word.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
This week has flown by in a flurry of activity. The school is bustling with creativity and enthusiasm and we are reminded how children have great capacity to turn the most mundane tasks into something enjoyable by adding a little playfulness.
Trust Football Event
On Thursday afternoon, our older children joined pupils from our other Trust schools for a football event at Callywith College. It was a wet, windy and old affair; however this did not dampen spirits nor did the very tough competition damage enthusiasm or determination. Mr Twaite was particularly proud of the progress the group made over the course of the afternoon along with their sense of camaraderie, sportsmanship and respect for each other. They showed real spirit and resilience and we are super proud of them for representing our school.
In Canute class, the children have been exploring how people across the world celebrate and this week they arrived at advent celebrations. They have studied how Christians count down to Christmas and made their own advent wreath to represent the 4 Sundays of advent.
Polly Swish Clothes Swap
Reminder that the village hall is hosting the Christmas Polly Swish Clothes Swap on December 15th, the children have brought home slips today advertising the event. Like last year, the school will be among the beneficiaries of this event so if you are able to pop along on Sunday 15th, please do.
Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Antonia for always pushing and challenging herself to be the best writer she can be I all our writing lessons. Her determination and efforts pay off and the whole school enjoyed listening to her poem about the River Fowey.
Mya for taking great care to use all the sounds in every word in her independent writing and taking great care with her handwriting making it a joy to read.
Star of the Week:
Tegan for her determination, support and resilience as the team captain for our footballers.
Irina for her kindness and caring nature, lending her scooter to a friend when they felt upset.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
After school clubs have been well-attended this week and all staff have been very impressed with the behaviour of the children. Mrs Andrew commented how lovely it was to watch the children working together to prepare their cookies, sharing ingredients and tips and all helping with the clean up after the baking. For STEM Club on Friday lunch times, we have decided to split the group into KS1 And KS2 to better streamline to projects the children complete so for Autumn 2 it will be the turn of KS1 children and KS2 children will attend the club after Christmas in Spring 1.
A reminder that from Monday, we are changing the collection point for Canute class to the upstairs gate. This is so staff can all be in the same place and make the handover at the end of the day easier to navigate.
Thank you to those parents who order their child’s lunches on Parent Pay. This makes it significantly easier for the kitchen to manage budgets and reduce food waste and it allows you to discuss food choices with your child at home to make sure they are aware of what to expect at lunch time. If you are unsure how to pre-order, please contact Mrs Hughes and she can guide you through the process.
We are very excited that we have been able to secure a private booking at the cinema in Bodmin so we can take the entire school to watch new Paddington film. Most of us have grown up with the brilliant stories of the brown bear from Peru and thought it would be a lovely experience for staff and children to share. Permission slips to be returned to school by 25th November.
Achievement Assembly
Mathematician of the Week:
Erin for always working with concentration and focus independently or as part of a group.
Zeniah for grasping the concept of subtraction and being able to talk about it.
Star of the Week:
Tegan for her mature and caring attitude and always being ready to help others.
Jowan for always listening and being ready to learn.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
We have returned to school full of energy, enthusiasm and plans for an exciting run up to Christmas. Soon the building will be full of playscripts, costumes and props alongside song sheets and instruments - what a great time to be in a primary school!
After school Clubs
We have received all the sign up slips for the clubs so we are looking forward to enhancing the curriculum with craft, cooking, STEM building, SATs and hot chocolate and board games thrown in too. All clubs start next week from Monday 11th.
Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Lexi for working with determination and choosing some great vocabulary for ehr poem.
Irina for including some great vocabulary in her independent writing and always challenging herself to try her best.
Star of the Week:
Nathan for his super attitude to work and trying his best to always follow the rules.
Mia for her kind and generous attitude to her friends and approaching her learning with a smile
Have a lovely weekend
Jane Wills
We have reached the end of a busy Autumn 1 with lots of fantastic learning taking place across the school. One of the benefits of a small school with mixed classes is how well teachers know the pupils which makes the return after the long summer break much easier to tailor accurately to each child. We have seen the impact of this with children able to talk about last year’s learning to build on new learning.
After School and Lunch time Clubs
Thanks to our lovely and dedicated staff, we have some brilliant clubs running again after half term, starting the second week back so from Monday 11th November.
Monday 3:15-4pm: Games Club with Mrs Fernie and Miss Talbot. This is open to Year 1-Year 6
Wednesday 3:15-4pm: Cooking Club with Mrs Andrew. This is open to Year 3 – Year 6
Thursday 3:15 – 4pm: Art and Crafts Club with Mrs Phillips. This is open to Year 1- Year 6.
Friday lunch time: STEM Club with Mr Twaite. Building, engineering and teamwork. This is open to all.
In addition, Mrs Wills is running Hot Chocolate SATs club for Year 6 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons between 3:15-4pm.
We will send out signing up sheets after half term and remind everyone that signing up to clubs is a commitment, so we expect you to attend very week.
Reminder that tomorrow, Friday 25th October is an INSET day and pupils will not be in school.
Achievement Assembly
Reader of the Week:
Robbie for always joining in with our guided reading sessions talking about his reading.
Nya for trying hard with her sounds in phonics to help her reading in school and her reading at home.
Star of the Week:
Tegan, Joyce, Ailla and Toby for being brilliantly resilient and curious about learning this week.
Mya for always showing kindness and friendship towards her peers in class.
Have a lovely half term break. We look forward to seeing all the children back on Monday 4th November,
On behalf of all the staff,
Jane Wills
Break time on Thursday was showtime. Some of the children in Tregeagle class have been preparing a show complete with ticketing and seating for the rest of the school. Thankfully the weather was perfect for the performance which went without a hitch. Another group of children will be preparing a performance for after half term. Photos attached below.
We finished off the week with a visit from the Foodbank. The children found out about the work the Foodbank does in helping communities and they had a chance to join in with a cooking demonstration. Thank you to the parents who joined us at the end of the day, we hope this was a useful visit and provided inspiration for cooking together at home.
Online Safety
Throughout the school year we will be working with the children to help them develop the life skills and knowledge they need to use the online world safely and with confidence. The following websites also provide helpful information about staying safe online: how to let your child make the most of the internet while remaining safe. Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. If you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating online let CEOP know. If you have any questions about how to support your child in staying safe online, please don’t hesitate to contact school.
Achievement Assembly
Mathematician of the Week:
Ailla for taking responsibility or her learning and striving to do her very best – a fantastic attitude!
Kayden for going over and beyond with his learning, completing his own maths and having a go a Year 1 maths too
Star of the Week:
Toby for being kind, considerate and a model for behaviour and empathy at our school.
Leia for being extra helpful on our trip to Nancarrow farm.
We look forward to seeing you all for parent consultations Monday and Tuesday next week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Image Gallery
Personal development is both a subject and a school ethos and we want each child to leave our school feeling confident, unique and proud. Our aim is to teach children how to navigate through life safely, happily and healthily by raising aspirations, inspiring curiosity and promoting understanding and interest to develop sense of place and belonging.
To provide this, we have designed a programme of activities/trips and visitors in addition to the classroom teaching and this half term we started by inviting Captain Paul Thomas, Fowey Harbour Master, to talk to the whole school about what has been happening on the water and the importance of the harbour for our local community. When we have visitors, we always take the opportunity to ask visitors about their educational journey to their chosen job so the children are exposed to the many routes and options available to them for future careers.
Canute class has invited a string of visitors this term to support their learning of people who help us and build on their learning from last year’s visit to the fire station. Our local PCSO came into school last week to talk about how to stay safe, they had a visit from the Guide Dog Association complete with guide dog and the Coast guard this week. Next week they have a visit planned from a nurse to talk to the children about her job.
Tregeagle class had a visit from BIFFA this week to find out about how to carry out shared responsibilities for protecting the environment in school and at home; how everyday choices can affect the environment (e.g. reducing, reusing, recycling; food choices). In the last week of half term, they will attend the Primary Futures event, ‘World of Work’ where the theme will be Aviation and the different careers involved.
After half term, they will join Southwest Water for a workshop centered around sewage and plastic pollution to help educate about, care for and look after our local environment.
Thank you to those of you who attended our Harvest Festival this morning and thank you for the donations to the foodbank. As always, we had a lovely time in the church sharing songs and poems reminding the children of this important event in the farming calendar.
In the final week before we break for the half term, we are holding Parent Consultations so please look out for the sign-up email from Mrs Hughes.
Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Ava for making good use of her lovely ideas to write an entertaining story using lots of our learning.
Kayden for writing his name independently.
Star of the Week:
Antonia for being brave and managing her worries – it was so lovely to see you enjoy the Harvest Festival.
Zeniah for showing courage and enthusiasm in reading our poem at the Harvest Festival.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Image Gallery
On Monday, we had a visit from Captain Paul Thomas, Fowey Harbour Master. He shared details of what life working as a harbour master entails, how you might became a harbour master and what characteristics you need to do well in the job. The children thoroughly the talk and they asked lots of fantastic questions, we were all very proud of their capacity for listening, understanding and curiosity.
This week we also had the School Council elections to replace 1 outgoing KS2 councilor and add a Year 2 councilor to the group. Many of the children had spent the weekend preparing their speeches and used a combination of persuasion and promises to prove their eligibility. In the end, the school voted for Ronnie, Ailla and Joyce who will join Tegan (chair), Antonia and Nathan to form the new school council. They will have their first meeting in a couple of weeks and the agenda is quickly filling up.
Our Year 6 children went to Fowey River Academy on Thursday for their first transition day. They returned bearing gifts and full of enthusiasm from a busy but exciting day. I think we will be hearing about this visit for weeks to come.
Rehearsals for Harvest Festival are in full swing supported by Mrs Butlin. We are now all humming along to “Big red combine harvester” and “Five a day”. Hope to see many of you at Saint Saviour’s next Friday 11th October at the new time of 11am for the occasion.
Achievement Assembly
Reader of the Week:
Joyce for always offering great contributions to our guided reading sessions that support her peers and help her own learning move on.
Mya for reading with confidence making super use of her phonics learning to progress her reading skills.
Star of the Week:
Ailla for being curious and asking the most brilliant questions during our visit by Captain Paul Thomas
Irina for being role model for our class, always showing great learning behaviours by asking questions of teachers and visitors to find out more.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.