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Posted 03/11/2023
by Jane Wills

Week 8

A whirlwind of a week.

On Tuesday, Year 5/6 went to Fowey River Academy for netball and tag rugby and the chance to play as part of a team with children from other schools. These events are important preparation for our older KS2 children so they get used to the trip across the river and being part of a much larger school community.

On Wednesday, we had a super geographical field trip to Castle an Dinas. We have been studying the hillfort and it was great to experience its location, imposing views and structure firsthand. The children explored how the fort was constructed and studied the topography of the area for further field work activities back in the classroom.

On Thursday afternoon, we had our first session of Well-Being Boxing. It was brilliant to watch the children’s engagement and participation in this, for the majority, completely new activity. I think it is fair to say they were put through their paces and by the end of the session, they were significantly less chatty! From extensive research, we know how being active benefits mental health and stimulates brain activity and we hope these sessions will support the children to discover and recognize these benefits. By incorporating lots of movement breaks throughout the day, we manage to support the children to better tackle learning activities that require focus and concentration.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs W


Head's Blog  

Posted 03/11/2023
by Jane Wills

Welcome to Autumn 2

A full program of learning and related activities have kicked off our final half term of 2023.
Canute class have started their new enquiry learning all about the Fire of London, they already have brilliant geographical knowledge about our capital city and they are looking forward to exploring the historical aspects their new enquiry will introduce them to. They are kicking off the learning with a trip to Blisland, another Bridge Trust School similar in size to Polruan, where Canute class will join the EYFS/KS1 class for a theme day of Pop-Up-Play and exploration.

Tregeagle class completed their prehistory enquiry with a geographical field trip to the ancient Iron Age Hillfort Castle an Dinas. They managed to dodge the showers to explore the topography of the area to make comparisons between land use then and now.

Thank you all for your support with the late opening of school Thursday. By delaying opening, we ensured all families and staff were able to travel to school safely. With several staff members relying on the ferry from Fowey for their commute, we are at the mercy of the weather. Thankfully we escaped relatively mildly with damage only to playground sheds, boarding and guttering.

Next week:
Monday 6.11.23
Mrs Butlin teaching music for both classes
Remembrance Assembly with Richard 2:30pm

Tuesday 7.11.23
Canute Class to Blisland for Fire of London pop up play
Year 5/6 to Polperro for poetry workshop with Sally Crabtree

Thursday 9.11.23:
Well-Being Boxing Tregeagle Class
Final day for Christmas card orders

Writers of the Week:
Nathan for fantastic independent work and great focus.
Toby for a brilliant diary entry using lots of our history learning and vocabulary.

Stars of the week:
Emmy for her positive attitude and kindness towards friends
Ailla for following the rules to keep herself and others safe on both our school trips this week.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills


Canute   Harvest Fun

Posted 20/10/2023
by Amy Fernie

Friday 13th October

It has been another busy and fun week in Canute Class, culminating in our super Harvest Festival celebration at St Saviour's church. We're sure you will agree that the children did a fantastic job of retelling their harvest story, The Giant Turnip, and they sang with lots of enthusiasm and pride. We were delighted to see so many of you there to share the event with us.

As part of our enquiry, we have been learning about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We began this geography unit by exploring some of the famous monuments and buildings around London on a make-believe bus driven by Paddington Bear. The children then had fun building their own versions of Nelson's column, St Paul's Cathedral and Tower Bridge. This geographical knowledge is being built upon in their English lessons: Year R are retelling the story of a family touring famous London sights on a bus and Years 1 & 2 will be turning their adventure story about a lion in Paris into a story about a lion in London. We have also posted our letters to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and are keeping our fingers crossed that we might get a reply in due course...

In Maths, Year R have been exploring numbers 1, 2 & 3. They have learnt to recognise the numerals, accurately count out that many objects, find 1 more and 1 less and to subitise, which means being able to quickly recognise how many objects are shown without having to count them individually. Years 1 and 2 have begun their units on addition and subtraction by revising and developing their understanding of number bonds to 10. Year 2 are  applying what they know about number bonds to 10 (eg 6 + 4) to help them find number bonds to 20 (eg 16 + 4) and beyond, up to 100 (eg 60 + 40). 

Thank you for continuing to send the children in to school wearing their PE kits on Thursday. It makes the day work so much better and it seems they enjoy having a day off from wearing their uniforms! The children are going to the village hall for their PE so please also send them in with a water bottle that they can take with them as PE is often very thirsty work! As the weather gets colder and wetter, can we also ask you to ensure that your child brings a coat to school so that they can enjoy their outdoor playtimes to the full.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Chasey, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor & Miss Talbot



Posted 19/10/2023
by Jane Wills

Week 7

It has been a hectic last week trying to complete pieces of writing, iron age round houses and our units of maths alongside a trip to the Royal Cornwall Museum, but we have made it!

The class had a super day at the museum on Tuesday, where they met an archaeologist who introduced them to artefacts from prehistoric Britain, helped them to make their own replica Iron Age pottery and showed them round the Stone Age exhibition. The children have been full of interesting facts and super keen to share their new-found knowledge. Very teacher rewarding to hear them talk about primary sources, replicas and original artefacts! The children have finally completed their round houses and these are ready to go home so please make sure you send in a sturdy box, bag for them after half term. They have also got their pottery from the museum trip to bring home.

On our return to school on Monday 30th October, we have another busy week lined up. On Tuesday 31st October, Y5 and Y6 will travel to Fowey River Academy in the morning to take part in netball and tag rugby activities.

On Wednesday we are all going on a trip to the Cornish Hillfort Castle an Dinas and the Stone Age Hurlers at Minions, combining history with a geography field trip studying the topography of our Cornish landscape. I have sent home details of the trip on Monday 30th October via satchel post for you to return to the school office on Monday 30th October please.

Thursday 2nd November is our first day of a 6-week Well-being Boxing block so please make sure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit. This should be fun and hopefully provide the children with an alternative way of exercise befitting both body and mind.

Have a lovely half term.
I look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 30th October,
Mrs W


Head's Blog  

Posted 13/10/2023
by Jane Wills


We are almost at the end of our very busy first half term. The children have settled well in their new classes and made positive strides in learning. Many fantastic learning journeys have already been completed across the school and we have seen some fantastic pieces of writing already. Canute class wrote letter to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and completed this by walking to the post office to buy stamps and posting the letters in the post box. Hopefully they will not have to wait too long for a response.

In Tregeagle class, the children are reaching the end of their pre-history journey which they will conclude with a trip to Royal Cornwall Museum in truro on Tuesday. They have been far and wide on this journey exploring changes from hunter/gatherers to farmers settling down and building homes surrounded by Cornish hedges.

It was lovely to see so many of you for our Harvest Festival celebrations in St. Savoir’s on Thursday morning. We are incredibly proud of the children’s performances and hope you enjoyed seeing your child/children perform. A huge THANK YOU to Mrs Butlin for supporting the children’s performance. I think the Bean Harvest Song has now overtaken the Combine Harvester as our favorite Harvest song. Thank you for all your contributions to the food bank collection.

The school attended the Fowey Port User Group round table meeting, aimed at exploring ways in which more local young people could be encouraged to become involved in water based activities on and around our harbour and river. There were lots of very exciting opportunities being discussed and we are currently arranging for Morvargh Sailing Project to come into school to deliver an assembly to the children about sailing and the opportunities this might offer.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills



Posted 09/10/2023
by Jane Wills

Week 6

This week, we have focused on Design and Technology following the plan, do review cycle of projects. Our work has involved creating a stone age outfit with design decisions based on the children's knowledge of Stone Age to Iron Age. The children chose materials according to the level of skills and tools people had access to, so some of the class chose bison or wholly mammoth pelt for outfits from the Paleolithic and Mesolithic with others choosing linen from the Bronze and Iron Age eras. We used a combination of running and looping stiches with some spectacular results.

In Science, the class continues their tour of space investigating how people survive in space including life onboard the International Space Station. next week, Mrs Phillips is serving up some dehydrated space meals for the children to try - yum!

In English, we have now completed our character descriptions and we have practised our editing skills, proofreading for spelling and punctuation errors and making improvements by finding synonyms for dull words and enhancing sentence structures. We have discussed the job of editing with our Governor Suzanne Goddard, who edits the Parish Magazine, and understanding a little better how the work we do in school links with the outside world has, as always, motivated the children. 

We have Parent Consultations next week, so if you have not yet secured your slot, please contact Mrs Hughes in the office to book it.



Canute   Friday 6th October

Posted 07/10/2023
by Amy Fernie

We have had yet another great and busy week in Canute; as you are all aware this term our enquiry question has been all about me.

We started our learning by looking at ourselves. In art we looked at some key vocabulary like portrait and self-portrait and begin to create our own self-portraits. When drawing our self-portraits, we looked carefully at the features we were drawing, we experimented with different media and techniques and begin to express our own feelings about our own art that we have drawn. We then look at other artists work and discuss and describe what we can see and like. We will particularly focused on the work by Andy Warhol and some of his Pop Art portraits and self-portraits. Following on with the bright colours Andy Warhol used we learnt to recognise and name primary and secondary colours, mix primary colours and this week in Outdoor Learning we started to organise and sort objects in nature by colour. We then had a go at creating our own Pop Art self-portraits and we cannot wait to share these with you.


In English the children have produced some outstanding writing over the past few weeks which culminate is them this week with them completing writing their letters to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall where the children told them all about themselves and the village in which they live. We look forward to posting them this week & waiting eagerly for a reply!

In maths the children have work hard with Place Value and we have completed the units, so we look forward to a bit of addition and subtraction next week.

Just a couple of reminders

-          Each Monday afternoon we go up to the ‘Wild Tribe’ area for our learning so please could you if possible, ensure your child has a coat and some wellies in school. We have waterproof trousers for everyone.

-          On Thursday we will walk down to the church for our harvest festival at 9.30 so do come and join us. After the service the children are going to walk down to the post-box to post our letters that we completed as part of our English.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Fernie, Mrs Chasey, Miss Taylor & Miss Talbot

 ctetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nunc purus, iaculis ut nulla id, condimentum euismod ligula. Aenean ut lorem purus. Etiam ac sodales sapien. Praesent bibendum congue ipsum in ullamcorper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce tincidunt ac urna in faucibus. Sed tristique velit eu rhoncus aliquam. Curabitur mauris nulla, maximus dapibus tempus non, mattis at urna. Sed et dapibus eros, eu venenatis est. Donec scelerisque interdum odio, vitae suscipit eros laoreet sed. Sed blandit nulla elit. Donec eget porta sem. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum laoreet nunc ut molestie semper. Praesent aliquam libero vitae rutrum bibendum. Donec consequat velit et consequat ultrices. Nunc porttitor lorem est, et porttitor ex facilisis id. Duis egestas condimentum erat id eleifend. Integer quis fermentum metus. Nulla eu neque vitae nibh hendrerit dignissim. Sed vulputate quam vitae fringilla euismod. Mauris eget pellentesque velit, sit amet euismod enim. Nunc lacus tellus, pretium nec diam ac, sollicitudin lacinia tellus. Sed et dapibus eros, eu venenatis est. Donec scelerisque interdum odio, vitae suscipit eros laoreet sed. Sed blandit nulla elit. Donec eget porta sem. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum laoreet nunc ut molestie semper. Praesent aliquam libero vitae rutrum bibendum. Donec consequat velit et consequat ultrices. Nunc porttitor lorem est, et porttitor ex facilisis id. Duis egestas condimentum erat id eleifend. Integer quis fermentum metus. Nulla eu neque vitae nibh hendrerit dignissim. Sed vulputate quam vitae fringilla euismod. Mauris eget pellentesque velit, sit amet euismod enim. Nunc lacus tellus, pretium nec diam ac, sollicitudin lacinia tellus.



Posted 29/09/2023
by Elizabeth Chasey

How do we teach early reading in Canute Class?

We teach children to read and write using a phonics programme called Twinkl Phonics. Phonics breaks down words into their smallest units of sound eg the word cat is made up of 3 sounds: c-a-t. Children learn the sounds made by individual letters or groups of letters. Where 2 letters together make one sound, this is called a ‘digraph’. Where 3 letters make one sound, this is called a ‘trigraph’.

Every sound has an associated picture and action which helps the children to recognise and remember the sound. For example, the flashcard for the sound /s/ (hiss like a snake) shows an image of a snake and the associated action is holding your hands together and wiggling your hands and body like a snake.

Once the children recognise the sounds in a word they can read the word by sounding out – saying each sound aloud - and then blending the sounds together so that they say the whole word without any pauses between sounds.

When children join Reception, we start teaching them to read and write by teaching them the sounds made by the letters s, a, t, p, i, n. These sounds have been specifically chosen because they enable the children to make and read a large number of words immediately.

The Twinkl Phonics programme has 6 levels:

• Level 1 (pre-school) - prepares children for starting to learn to read and write in Year R

• Level 2 (Year R) – teaches the single letter sounds

• Level 3 (Year R) – teaches the most common digraphs and trigraphs

• Level 4 (Year R) – teaches children to blend adjacent consonants in words

• Level 5 (Year 1) – teaches alternative graphemes for sounds the children have already been taught

• Level 6 (Year 2) – teaches more alternative graphemes and spelling rules

The levels are roughly aligned with year groups as shown in brackets, but we teach to each child’s individual level and children move through the phonics levels at their own pace. Every level of phonics (except for Level 1) includes ‘tricky words’ that the children must learn in order for them to become fluent readers. These are words that the children cannot fully ‘decode’ using their knowledge of sounds. They simply have to learn these tricky words by heart. For example, in Level 2, the children learn the words: I, no, go, to, the.

Your child will have several opportunities to read in school each week:
• in their daily phonics lessons
• in their guided reading lessons (min 3 times per week)
• reading 1:1 with an adult – the frequency of this depends on each child’s needs but our intention is that each child will be heard to read by an adult at least once each week.

Your child will have brought home a Reading Pack. This pack contains lots of resources for you to share with your child to support them along their reading/writing journey. You can help your child to make faster progress by practising these things at home:

• Saying their sounds – use the parent information sheet and the sound flashcards
• Writing their sounds correctly – use the wipe clean letter formation sheet
• Recognising letters/sounds in their environment (eg when you are in a shop, walking along the street etc)
• Making words to sound out and blend using the sound flashcards
• Learning their tricky words by heart (we will send home a list of their words in the week beginning 2 October along with some suggestions of activities)
• Reading their mini book to an adult at home (minimum 3 times per week if you can please)

Your child will have 2 books in their Reading Packs each week: a mini book and a home reader. The mini book is directly related to the sounds that your child has learnt that week in their phonics lessons. The home reader may occasionally contain sounds or tricky words that your child has not yet learnt (they come from different schemes to our Phonics programme) but with your help they should be able to read this also. Sharing books with your child is a lovely way to spend special time together and your child will enjoy having the opportunity to show off what they can do!

When anyone hears your child read at home, please ask them to write a short comment with a date in their home reading record. That way we can easily identify when a child has read their whole book and needs to change it. If you have any further questions or specific concerns about your child’s reading, please speak to Mrs Fernie or Mrs Chasey. We will be very happy to help.



Posted 29/09/2023
by Jane Wills

Week 4

It has been another busy and packed week of learning.
As part of our Stone Age enquiry, the children are also exploring space trying to determine of the changes taking place on earth are echoed in space. They looked at the planets in our solar system and studied their inter-relational movements using the playground, chalk and themselves.

We have started exploring how clothes were made in the iron Age and the children have designing outfits which we will make next week, learning different stiches. We are also studying Iron Age round houses and have started making clay blocks to dry out so we can use these next week to build our own roundhouses.

We continue to build the skills of Reciprocal reading. We have focused on summarising this week, picking out and articulating the most important information in a text. To support this, we use the idea of a hand. The palm is the main idea of the text and the fingers represent 5 supporting ideas.

We have completed the KIRF assessments and your child will be bringing home their set of Key Instant Recall facts to practice this half term. Taking ten minutes 2/3 times a week to support your child with this will help their progress. We know home life is busy so in addition to any work they complete at home, they also have time to practice these facts 3 times a week during registration time. To help the children see their progress, we have introduced a new range of 99 Club questions. Like the times table 99 Club, this club gives the children a set number of questions to answer in a given time period. The difference is the questions are a mix of maths questions to mirror and build on their KIRFs.

I will be sending out letters next week about an upcoming trip on Tuesday 17th October to Cornwall Museum.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs W


Head's Blog  

Posted 29/09/2023
by Jane Wills

Football at Duloe.
Thursday afternoon, Tregeagle class went on the minibus to Duloe Primary Academy for a whole day of football related activities. The event was organized to encourage inter-school competitive sports and offer the opportunity for children to participate in sports and socialise with peers. It was fantastic to see so many happy children representing their school and getting involved with some competitive sport. There were some heartwarming moments, with children playing for another team to help out and children who had never played football before being coached by peers on the pitch. Mr Twaite and I are incredible proud of all the children who took part, many of whom have never played football before. Our first game showed them trying their best to remember the rules of football and by the end of the day, they were playing like a team; passing the ball between them and showing encouragement. Liam did us proud by scoring a hat-trick, Toby kept his cool and calm despite goals being scored against him. He showed resilience and determination and did not ever give up trying. Joyce was the winner of the Goal or No Goal competition, beating the other 59 children to win the chocolate bar – well deserved. There was even time for a team-tactics meeting using Lego bricks to model the line up. to We hope to be able to take part in many more of these competitive events across the year to give the children as much exposure to sports, excellence and striving for success.

School Council
This week also saw the voting for the school council. The children, who wanted to be considered for one of the 4 places, prepared speeches and Wednesday afternoon we heard from the candidates about how they would represent their peers on the council to ensure everyone’s voices would be heard. There were some very impressive, compassionate speeches and some with a distinct flavour of politics. At the end of the afternoon, Nathan, Antonia, Tegan and Liam emerged as winners with the majority of votes – well done. We look forward to finding out about their plans for the school from their first meeting next week.

Teaching of Early Reading
Thank you to the parents who attended Mrs Chasey’s talk on early reading. She shared how reading is taught in early years and KS1. If you missed the talk, you can find the details on the Canute class blog.

Next week
Nasal flu immunisations is on Monday 2.10.23.
Don’t forget to sign up to Active Club starting next week, Wednesday 4th October. You will need to return the consent slip to the office before your child can attend.
Year 6 Open day at Fowey River Academy Thursday 5th October

Readers of the Week:
Zenia-Rooh for some fantastic sounding out and brilliant attitude to learning phonics
Tegan for positive contributions to guided reading sessions that support her peers and move the learning on.

Stars of the week:
Irina for her general kindness and always being ready to tackle any activity
Toby for resilience and determination in competitive sports

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills



Posted 29/09/2023
by Elizabeth Chasey

Friday 29 September

It has been another busy week in Canute Class, with lots of learning taking place. Year R are loving Phonics and, as always, we are in awe of how quickly the Reception children are learning their sounds. The older children have been learning alternative spellings (or 'graphemes') for sounds they already know (for example, using 'ie' to make the sound /igh/ in words). From next week onwards, all of the children learning Phonics at Levels 2-5 will bring home sound flashcards in their Reading packs. If you can find time to practise these with your child each week, as well as hear them read, this will help them to progress faster in their reading and writing.

In English, the Year 1 & 2 children have been editing their draft letters to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall. When the letters are finished, we will go to the Post Office, buy stamps and post them. Hopefully, we will get a letter back! Year R have begun a new English unit based upon the lovely picture book 'Perfectly Norman' which tells the story of a young boy who suddenly grows a pair of wings and how he initially struggles to accept being different from his friends. The children have really enjoyed the story and are retelling it in their own words.

In Maths, Year R have had fun identifying and making patterns in different contexts: visual patterns, sound patterns and body action patterns, to name a few! Years 1 & 2 are continuing their work on place value. Year 1 have begun to compare numbers using the language of 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to' and their mathematical symbols. Year 2 have developed their ability to compare and order objects and numbers up to 100.

Everyone has enjoyed our practical, hands-on Science lessons this half-term. We have sung songs and played lots of games to help us learn the names of the main parts of our bodies ('Simon Says' has been very popular!).  We have also been exploring our 5 senses. This week, it has been the turn of 'touch' and 'smell'. The children thought it was very funny when Miss Talbot and Mrs Chasey removed their shoes and socks to try and identify a mystery object in the feely bag using just their feet! The children gave some excellent descriptions when they took turns to identify objects first with their feet and then with their hands. They concluded that although all of our skin can sense touch, the skin on our hands is better at sensing touch than on our feet.

On Wednesday, we had our second Meet the Teacher event where Mrs Chasey explained how reading is taught in Canute Class. We know that some parents/carers were unable to make it to the meeting, so we will add the information that was given to our blog page. There will also be an opportunity to discuss reading when you come in for your parent consultation appointments later this month. As always, though, if you have any specific concerns relating to your child's reading, please do speak to either Mrs Fernie or Mrs Chasey and we will be very happy to help.

Thank you to everyone for sending the children into school wearing their PE kits on Thursdays. It has made a huge difference to the amount of time spent searching for missing bits of kit and the children appear to enjoy having a 'day off' from wearing their uniforms!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Chasey, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor and Miss Talbot



Posted 22/09/2023
by Jane Wills

Week 3

Another whirlwind of a week. We have continued delving into the lives of Stone - Iron age people in Britain. Interrogating primary and secondary sources has helped us to understand how we know about the past. Next week, we are making links between modern day diets and the diet of prehistoric Britons  to find out whether science has helped us live a healthier life today.

In maths, we continue to study Place Value in all year groups. There is a real buzz about maths in our class, it seems this is rapidly becoming a favorite subject. It is rewarding to hear the conversations the children are having about how they know they are getting better at maths - wow!

In English, we are writing a character description based on the main character from the Stone Age Boy. We have studied the vocabulary and had some great conversations about why we choose certain words to describe features and personalities. One group discussed how describing someone's face as "milky" rather than "pale" told the reader that the person's skin was also smooth and silky.
 Thank you to those of you who were able to attend the Meet the Teacher event on Tuesday. We discussed the use of iPads as learning and recording tools and the use of SeeSaw as our digital platform. Our new approach to Maths teaching and I shared the expectations for daily reading at home and would appreciate it if you can find 10-15 minutes to read with your child and talk about the text to support their continued progress. If have questions about your child's daily life at school, please contact me

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills


Canute   Friday 22nd September

Posted 22/09/2023
by Amy Fernie

Friday 22nd September 2022

As you may be aware our enquiry question this term is ‘Why am I amazing?’ The children have been amazing all term but this week we have particularly noticed some great listening this week during story times, and they were amazingly patient when instead of just jumping into the primary colour playdough they listened and waited particularly when they were all very excited to get their hands dirty and explore the primary colours, this resulted in them all being able to make some beautiful shades. They also continue to settle well into school and have made me feel amazingly welcome very quickly.

In maths the Year 1s and 2s have continued to learn about place value. The year 1s have been focusing on numbers to ten finding one more and one less than a given number. The Year 2s have been looking at how number are made understanding that 56 is 5 tens and 6 ones but it could also be made in alternative ways such as 4tens and 16 ones. The Reception have been working hard looking at measures exploring and comparing weight, capacity and length.

In English the year 1s and 2s have continued with our letter writing and we have been very impressed with all their learning. The Reception have been working hard with making sentences about what they would like the world to look like in the future.

In RE this half of term we are looking at the story of creation. On Monday we looked at a Christians view of creation and what was made on each of the days, the children then had great fun making themselves out of clay and natural resources.

In art we are learning what a self-portrait is and how to draw them. We spent the afternoon looking at the artist Andy Warhol and is pop art portraits and learning about colours and how they are made looking at the Primary colours. I do hope some of your children have managed to get rid of the interesting-coloured dyed hands we had on Tuesday!

It was lovely to meet some of you on Tuesday at the ‘Meet the Teacher’ session. We had a chat about the class day starting at 8.45 and finishing at 3.15. The structure of the week will be that Mrs Fernie Teaches Monday and Tuesday followed by Mrs Chasey on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Miss Taylor will be in every day and Miss Talbot will be in every day except Tuesdays. Book bag pouches which your child should come home with this afternoon and on them is a clear label about what should be in there. Please do read the mini book at least 3 times in a week and if your child wants to read more then do read the other book. There will be mini flashcards of all the sounds these are for you to use with your child to help make words or just to see if they can recognise the sounds. Please bring the try to ensure the pouches are in every day but please can you make sure they are in on a Wednesday as we plan to take them in on a Wednesday and send them back on a Monday.

Just a reminder that next Wednesday the 27th October Mrs Chasey will be running a phonics session at 3pm just to help you understand all the words we use and show you how we teach all the children in Canute to read. It would be really beneficial for every child to have at least one parent attend if at all possible.

One final reminder is that every Monday starting on the 2nd October we plan to spend the afternoon up in the woods, allotment or wild tribe area so please can you ensure your child has wellies and a waterproof coat and if it’s a particularly cold day then a spare set of warm clothes they can change into before we go.

We hope you have a wonderful restful weekend.

Mrs Fernie, Mrs Chasey, Miss Taylor & Mrs Talbot. 



Posted 19/09/2023
by Jane Wills

Welcome back!

We have had a super positive return to school with lots of smiles, happy children and learning. 
Our first Enquiry is "Who Needs Change?". We are studying prehistoric Britain so finding out what life was like in the Stone age through to the Iron age.

We have had a go at replicating bronze casting to help us think about how people might have experimented with different materials to find the ones best suited to making tools. We used jelly and chocolate and filled this in our potato mold and discovered that jelly is fairly useless for tools but tastes great!.


Canute   Friday 8th September

Posted 11/09/2023
by Amy Fernie

It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back this week, and hear about all the exciting things that the children have been up to over the Summer. The children have enjoyed seeing and playing with their friends again, which has been lovely to see. Everyone has settled back in well, and we look forward to a busy term.

Our enquiry questions this half of term is ‘Why am I amazing?’ We will be looking at self-portraits in art and studying the artist Andy Warhol to create our own pop art images. In RE we are learning about a Christians view of creation and incorporating Harvest. Science we will be leaning about the body. In Maths we will all be looking at Place Value and in English we are going to start off with writing our own letters.

Reading books will be coming home next week, please do read as often as you can with your children ideally a minimum of 3x a week.

Mondays are going to be our Outdoor Learning days when we will head out to the Wild Tribe field, allotment or woods and complete some outdoor learning activities. Mrs Fernie will be sending more information out next week about what the children will need to bring in.

Thursdays are our PE days. On this day children are to come into school in their PE kits and trainers already for their PE session.

Please do not hesitate to arrange a time to meet should you have any issues you wish to discuss about your child. There will be an informal ‘Meet the Teacher’ session soon but any questions before then please do get in touch.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Fernie, Mrs Chasey, Miss Taylor and Miss Talbort


Head's Blog  

Posted 08/09/2023
by Jane Wills

We're back

It has been a very positive start to the new academic year. Our youngest children have settled in well and our older children have fallen straight back into their surroundings with confidence and positive outlooks.

Thank you to everyone for supporting us to implement the new earlier start. It has worked a treat and has helped make our mornings less rushed by giving us time to talk before the learning starts.

Thank you to Tregeagle class who ALL turned up wearing their PE kit for Thursdays lesson - it makes such a difference not having the usual kit-hunt. I am certain, we will have another full house next week too!

The children have embraced the learning with positive vibes and energy and they have helped our new members of staff feel welcome. What a great place to work!

Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Wills


Head's Blog  

Posted 09/07/2023
by Jane Wills

Challenge week

While the older children in Year 5/6 went to the Ultimate Adventure Centre for their residential, Year R-Year 4 spent the week back at school leaning new skills. On Monday, they  investigated how to represent each of our values and making short films to add to our stairwell display boards. On Tuesday, we had a Forest School leader teaching outdoor skills and team work. On Wednesday, Shaun Hewitt lead a day of art using collage to make some beautiful pieces for our common space in Tolbenny - see photos below. Thursday and Friday we all spent time using art, design and technology skills to make this year's scarecrow entry with a stone-age theme. The children had some fantastic ideas and their creative thinking will result in our gate looking great again in time for the summer break. 
A huge thank you goes to the kind parent who has generously donated their Friday afternoon to weeding the bottom path.
This week coming is a quieter week, with both classes working to complete their narrative stories in English, putting the final touches to their enquiries and for Year 5 and year 6, a transition day at Fowey River Academy on Thursday.
Stars of the week:
Irina for being super resilient, having a go and embracing new learning this week.
Jakson for not giving up on his bridge building even when the bridge collapsed and he had to start over.
Liam for positive attitude, resilience and making new friends on our residential trip.


Head's Blog  

Posted 06/07/2023
by Jane Wills

Ultimate Adventure Centre day 3

We finished off last night with learning circus skills. Due to the rain, the mini Olympics were cancelled but we learnt a whole new set of skills in the circus workshop instead and finished the evening with a show showing these off.
Wednesday morning was go go go - starting off with Mountain boarding - travelling down a hill on a wheeled board. Perfect for challenging bravery and balance. Again, everyone joined in and keen to have a go.
We completed our stay with the Wipe-out Assault course and from the look on the children's faces, this was most likely their favorite activity of the week. Again, everyone joined in, challenged themselves to be brave, supporting their friends with encouragement and big smiles!
Mr Twaite and I would like to thank the children for their superb attitude this week, they have been resilient, brave and very good fun! 
I am sure they will take the memories of this week with them on their travels through life.
Mrs W


Head's Blog  

Posted 04/07/2023
by Jane Wills

Day 2 Ultimate Adventure Centre

This morning, we went kayaking and paddle boarding, lots of smiles as confidence and enjoyment grew and by the end of the morning, everyone was able to stand up and paddle confidently on the boards and in the kayaks the children all developed the skills needed to join in with racing and chasing games.
After lunch, it was time for problem solving. A series of tasks had to be completed in order for the children to earn the components to build an air rocket. They worked really well as a team across the two schools - true teamwork spirit to make the rockets fly high in the air.
Food is great and were looking forward to another lovely dinner shortly.


Head's Blog  

Posted 03/07/2023
by Jane Wills

Day 1 Ultimate Adventure Centre

What a whirl it has been!
Straight on arrival, we launched into our first activity - archery. Battling the rain and the wind was no mean feat but we managed a couple of near-bullseyes. After lunch, it was time for orienteering and we finished the afternoon on the high-ropes. Lots of bravery on display, digging deep and huge smiles of success - fantastic! We are heading off to the firepit shortly and I am sure some of us might enjoy some quiet time when the evening draws in!
It has been a full octane first day but we are still smiling!
Mrs W


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.